The Mission

Ports - havens, friendly, etc.

Pirate Hunters and other trouble

Pirates of Theev

1 - Jump into system

Maps, Charts and Notes

SHARED Player Notes

2 - Hunting

PoD Piracy mini-game (Notion version)

piracy cheat sheet

thrust points

MgT2e Core - Ch8 Space Combat

Space Combat Cheat Sheet

You will primarily target unarmed merchant ships, so, ship combat shouldn’t be needed much.

3 - Raiding

<aside> 💡 The simplest solution is demanding the target eject cargo or be destroyed. They can resist and be fired on, they can try to flee and be chased. see ‣ The Piracy Game even says “Many merchants keep a few tons of ‘sacrificial’ cargo on board to keep pirates at bay” under ‣




Simplified hand-to-hand combat

4 - Jump out of system

Maps, Charts and Notes

SHARED Player Notes

Drinax Jump procedure

5 - At the starport

Trade & Commerce Procedure (Notion version)

T&C Template


Wavers and wave jobs