Starport inspiration pics

<aside> 💡 Traveller - Third Imperium - Starports (2011) pp66-101 GURPS Traveller - Starports (2000) pp101-126 Traveller - Supplement 13 - Starport Encounters (2013)


<aside> 💡 Most starports are surrounded by defense stations (like in Rebel Galaxy), which are satellites equipped with weapons platforms that can defend against ships that might attack the starport. Some are automated, some are controlled from within the station or, most often, both. These stations are heavily shielded, unmanned, and quite distant from the starport with long range weapons.



shopping mall

open air market

robotics shop - buy, sell, repair androids, robots,

bulk ship supplies stores - foodstuffs, medical, toiletries, linens

furniture stores

clothing stores

musical instrument store

Ships for sale

weapons, ammo stores

various devices, equipment stores


food vendors - welcome sight for those doing a quick layover, living for months on spaceship food


tourism center

ship repairs (high port) - a walk-up booth for placing work orders

ship repairs (low port) - most often a large warehouse with a front office for placing work orders