
<aside> 💡

I have a problem. Cargo containers are huge and will surely only fit through a cargo hatch or ramp or whatever - not through an airlock our heroes would enter through. So, not boarding and forcing the target to eject cargo which is then retrieved into the Harrier’s cargo ramp is the only way that makes sense to me.


from p163 of the MgT2e core book

Boarding actions

 There is little in space combat more exciting and terrifying than a boarding action. Marines launch themselves from a closely manoeuvring ship or dedicated small craft, and hurl themselves at an enemy vessel in an attempt to gain entry and pacify the crew.

 These actions lead to vicious fights with high-powered weaponry being used in the tight confines of a ship’s corridors.

 Once two ships are within less than 1km of each other (Adjacent range), any marines on board can launch a boarding action during the Actions Step. 

<aside> 🎲 A boarding action takes 2D rounds to complete, after which its results are decided.


Resolving a Boarding action

 To resolve a boarding action, both sides roll 2D, apply the following modifiers and then the defender deducts his total from that of the attacker.  The final score is then compared on the Boarding Actions table.

<aside> 🎲 Superior Armour +1 Superior Weaponry +1 Superior Skills and Tactics +2 Superior Numbers +1 Vastley Superior Numbers +3 Defender has no Marines on duty -2


 At his option, the referee may like to continue playing out the boarding action at the Personal scale on any ‘fighting continues’ result.  The attackers will have successfully gained entry to the enemy ship and will now be desperately trying to expand their way out of the beachhead. This will be an opportunity for the Travellers to make their own decisions when fighting the crew of the enemy ship and of what targets they will try to reach.

 High Guard includes detailed rules for conducting boarding actions on the Personal scale, allowing you to play through a blow-by-blow scenario that sees the Travellers taking over an enemy ship or desperately trying to repel boarders.
