PoD Piracy mini-game (Notion version)

cf. Space Encounters (DEPRECATED)

1 - Lying in wait, scanning for blips (up to 50kkm)

Player 2d6, 8+ means blip detected, failure means no blip detected in three days elapsed

+3 Highport (The space near an orbital starport) +2 High-Traffic Space (The space near an industrial world with a high-class starport.) -1 Wild Space (Amber or Red worlds.)
-2 Empty Space on a common jump hop point to nearby occupied hex -4 Empty Space

Jump hop point = Where the ship drops out of jump and waits for Jump Drive to reset to make the next jump of their journey how jump works (Drinax version)

GM rolls on Space Encounters (DEPRECATED) table for every day the ship lies in wait

(we abandoned this method)

2 - if they move toward blip to long range band

they can now do the long range scan to reveal distance, movement, and 50/50 ID for object


The amount of traffic in the system determines when to roll on the Prey Encounter table. Roll D66, applying DMs as follows:

Backwater System: DM-1 to first dice only Dangerous World: DM-1 to second dice only High-Traffic System: DM+1 to first dice only Secure World: DM+1 to second dice only Capital or other Key System: DM+2 to first dice only Naval Base: DM+2 to second dice only

PoD Piracy mini-game (Notion version)

<aside> ‼️ A backwater system is one with a Class X or E starport that is off the Imperium-Hierate trade route. A high-traffic system is one with a Class A or B starport and with at least one of the following Trade Codes: High Technology, High Population, Industrial, Agricultural, Rich, or a system on the Imperium-Aslan trade route. A capital or other key system is a subsector capital, like Pax Rulin. A dangerous world has an Amber or Red Travel code, a Law Level of 3 or less, or is otherwise unable to patrol its space. A secure world has a Law Level of 7 or more and has the technology to protect Travellers, or has a naval base present with six parsecs. A naval base in the system offers the best possible protection for Travellers


3 - if they move toward blip to medium range band

they can now do full sensor analysis, at which time, GM reveals result on ship encounter table roll