In this campaign, starports are classified not only by their letter rating (A-E), but also by their relationship with the pirates.

Ports can be Havens, Friendly, Tolerant, Neutral, Suspicious, Unfriendly or Hostile.

Haven Ports are either part of the pirate’s organisation, or count the pirates as their own ships. Not only are pirates able to land here, the port’s System Defence Boats and the local population will defend the pirates against enemy ships and pirate hunters. At the start of the campaign, only Drinax counts as a haven.
Friendly ports are willing accomplices in the piratical trade. While they will not take up arms to defend the pirates in open battle, they will do everything else they can to help the crew, such as repairing battle damage without asking questions, providing replacement crew, and fencing stolen goods.

Tolerant Ports are willing to turn a blind eye to fencing goods, and may even provide repair facilities without too many questions, but are otherwise not involved in piracy. The Travellers can land freely, but must keep a low profile.

Neutral ports are willing to take the Travellers’ money, but offer no protection. If the Travellers bring trouble, the port authorities will turn on them.

Suspicious ports are law-abiding and have reason to suspect the Travellers are pirates. Everything is more difficult at suspicious ports. The Travellers can still land here, but can expect to be searched or detained.

Unfriendly ports do not tolerate pirates. Landing here is not permitted; if the Travellers try, they will be arrested.
If they linger in the system, system defence boats will be deployed to chase them away.

Hostile Ports: The pirate ship will be fired upon as soon as it arrives at a hostile port. The Travellers’ faces are on wanted holograms throughout the starport; the sensor profile of their ship is logged with every listening post and System Defence Boat in the system.

At the start of the campaign, ports have the following attitudes towards the Travellers.

• Drinax is the only Haven at the start of the campaign. • Theev is the only Friendly port at the start of the campaign. • All Aslan ports are Unfriendly. • Other ports have their status determined by Law Level, as determined by the Port Attitude table