cf. how jump works (Drinax version)
see also Experiencing or witnessing Jump
No rolls, all role play…
- All bridge hands present.
- Captain orders a destination.
- NavHelm programs a course (then GM whispers computer accepts course) and reports ready.
- Gunner scans immediate area* (then GM whispers scans show area clear) and **reports area clear for Jump.
- Outside Ship does a long-range scan* (then GM whispers scans are clear) and **reports scan shows clear for Jump.
- Inside Ship diverts fuel and power to Jump System (then GM whispers board is green) and reports ready to Jump.
- Captain gives order to Jump.
- NavHelm announces on the ship comm “All hands prepare for Jump” and then hits the button, throws the switch, pushes the slider, whatever the NavHelm player decides.
- GM gives description of entering Jump, including the Jump Clocks starting.