as of September 22nd, 2022

Ever since her time in Peppermarsh, Miranda has had a few more brushes with the supernatural but this one is certainly the most odd.

She doesn't remember how she came to be in this house. So, she cannot even guess why she's here.

Yet this house seems to be a churning sea of supernatural activity. Because of her psychic sensitivity, even walking down a hallway feels like walking down a sidewalk filled with people. A feeling of being surrounded by people she can't see, hear, or touch. Yet the house itself is lifeless, covered in dust and stinking of mold. Darkness fills every space and Miranda has only a lantern which seems to create more shadows than light.

She began in what she originally believed to be a hospital or hospice before finding that it was all just one part of a larger structure. It was here that many objects told their story to her. Sickness and death. A face of a child and screams of suffering. But also of Solaria, a goddess of light and healing. In a room where she touched nothing, a tormented apparition crying tears of blood appeared before her. In a healer's study, a large diagram on the wall was bleeding.

<aside> 🔖 40 hallway transcript 40b Chucho transcript


Curiously, while she found an ordinary hospital and surgery, there was also a large hall dedicated to art depicting great healers that was brightly illuminated by otherworldly glowing dots floating about high overhead. And, while the hospital and surgery were nothing unusual, Miranda got clear impressions of magic and ritual being performed in the latter and became surrounded by apparently malevolent ghosts of those who had died in the former.

<aside> 🔖 Miranda entering the Hospital - Otter transcript


Once she left this part of the house, a hallway led her to a library where touching a book revealed a vision of some kind of enchantress killed by an unseen horror before she was able to defeat it with a spell she was casting. Miranda was able to help this spirit, an alchemist named Mollyanna, to her eternal rest.

<aside> 🔖 32 Library transcript (with picture)


Further indication that this building is a home was found in hallways decorated with pictures of the family that lived here, the Tashmeres, and of people involved in the building of a town called Sorenton that this house is presumably in. But, one of these hallways is also filled with voices heard only in Miranda's mind that warn her to leave the house.

A long hallway led to a very different part of the house, the largest room of which was a once a sun room, but the ceiling to floor windows spanning two floors have been overgrown by black, serpentine vines of thorns. Nearby, the presence of a mud room suggests a door to the outside nearby, yet she finds only stairs going up and, possibly the oddest discovery yet, an armory with medieval weapons and armor. Miranda acquired a Blessed Blade here. [Retconned out.] Miranda is now following the hallway in the opposite direction from the dead end.

Only once has Miranda has been able to communicate with something she saw. The little girl, named Crystina, told her that she lives here and that everyone else who lives here is hiding. And that they will come out soon. Crystina said these things and then fled through a solid wall,.

<aside> 🔖 TRANSCRIPT - Miranda and Crystina 1st encounter


<aside> ‼️ UPDATE!!! See Alternate version of Miranda’s first Encounter with Crissi
