There are no windows here.

No light here.

No air.

No life.

The wood floor creaks and pops.

The walls are covered in wallpaper stained with mysterious splotches of yellow and orange and deep rusty reds.

Dust swirls through the air with every move, irritating your eyes and nose.

Breathing isn't something you want to do anyway because the smell of sickness and human waste is nauseating, revolting.

And there's another smell.  Not something you've smelled before.  But you know it must be the smell people mean when they speak of 'the smell of death'.

You have a lantern, so that's the only light. It would surely make the place feel creepy and claustrophic.

Like whatsername in Silent House. And you'd have blackness of your shadow behind you all the time.

Miranda touches the walls... here... there... probing... sensing...

She gets not memories or images, but like just more stench. The impressions are muddy... bloody... mucousy... gasping... moaning... coughing... screaming... suffering... dying... suffering... dying... ...and Miranda becomes overwhelmed and must break contact or risk a sanity check.

Many people have suffered horribly and died in this place.