Terra Well obviously I'm going to go around and touch all the beds

Christopher which one of the beds would you need drawn to to touch first?

Terra Probably the double bed on the right

Christopher she takes off her glove, she touches the bed and she gets impressions of pain and suffering many times over many people

the pain and suffering to the point that she begins to have vivid visions of even to the faces of the people who have lain here and suffered.

And then there's sound to it as well, she begins to hear the cries and the groans and even the screams of suffering. And it's like she hears the sounds from one person and then another and then another, but none of the previous ones stop until it's just a cacophony - a great swirling noise of all of this suffering and she begins to be quite overcome by this vision that she's having.

And she has to break contact, she, she lets go the bed and when she does, the sounds do not stop.

And when she looks around the room, there are ghosts of people in the beds around her and the one in front of her.

And, you know, they're like kind of transparent, you know, and she can see their transparent filthy bedding as well.

So she still sees these these neat white beds that look like they were just made up, but over them. She sees the transparent forms of the filthy bedding and the people who are suffering.

And she realizes that all these ghosts, all these people are looking at her directly and they begin to fall out of their beds and start crawling toward her.

Ooh, maybe maybe they do use those double sided beds like and now they can fit eight patients in this round. And oh yeah, we got to go with that we got to go with Miranda sees the horrifying sight that two of these beds were double occupancies somebody's laying there suffering and able to touch the other patient laying next to them the suffering

Okay, so this room is now filled with these these suffering people crawling on the floor toward Miranda

Oh, oh. And then once those hit the floor more of them appear in the beds to take their places. the book describes it as a stream of ghosts of all the people who have died in this room. Rising from the beds come a stream of ghosts that fall to the floor and crawl towards you.

As they do you feel the weight of illness descend upon you and you feel an urge to run.

So Oh, yes. And they they repeatedly reach out to you. Okay. As they reach out to you. There's like puffs, like coming from their hands like little wisps of brown and black and yellow and they like float in the air towards you every time one of them reaches out this something comes from their hands toward Miranda

Terra and I assume that's a door in the west wall

Christopher yes

Terra well then she's gonna just like back up and head for that door

Christopher Ah, how many times have you been in the hospital? And can you imagine if you had to do your recovery next to somebody else in the same bed that's one of the most horrifying horror story things I've come across yet and can you imagine if they're like suffering and moaning and they're just not only inches from you but sometimes making physical contact with you and you with down yeah, now you're there when they give them their sponge bath