Garamet Jen-Saunor

Max - 29 tons

People and ships encountered so far

<aside> 💡 We are doing away with the daily berthing fee at ports to make the math a bit easier but we are keeping the docking fee


<aside> 🏴‍☠️ We are back burnering the holographic hull but I want it irreparable for the most part - a roll determines if it works right now - we could start with maybe it works 40% of the time - I'd also want a roll each turn to see if it suddenly fails and the ship becomes visible


<aside> 🏴‍☠️ The trade route is a circuitous route from Fist to Tyokh - Between these two worlds is a sea of lawless, dangerous planets


<aside> 📅 One roll on Prey Encounter Table for three days of waiting it is up to the player to wait longer (another three days) or move along


<aside> 🔧 repairs at Drinax get a discount of d6 x 10 = x% So, MCr1 - d6 (4) x 10 = 40%, so MCr1 - 40% = Cr600,000 (surely this can be worded more clearly)
