Actually, if I had it to do over (and I just might), I'd work out a system wherein there is a fear modifier that increases, one by one, until it's so debilitating you basically end up crying in a fetal position. Kiiinda like Sanity in the Call of Cthulhu TRPGs, which lessens as you witness horrifying things and impacts all of your rolls. (Uh, as I understand it - never played any CoC.) So, like start with a Fear of -1 on your first roll, -2 next time you roll, etc.. The problem is the 2d6 system. Again, once you get to 4 and higher the result is pretty much a foregone conclusion. And you got that way in only 3 rolls. pfft. So, I've yet to come up with a clever solution. (Haven't given it a lot of thought, either, though.) The positive modifiers on all your skills are the same - it's gonna take awhile to get to +1 and then a long time to get to +2 and it'll feel like years until +3. And the cap is at 3 or 4, depending on which Traveller system you're using. I'm capping at 4. And that would be considered genius. You'd need, what? FORTY marks? Jeeez. But, it's because it doesn't take much to turn a bad 2d6 roll into a great one, every time, and vice versa.

(I'm intrigued by 3d6 systems. You have pretty good odds of getting right around 10, but there is much wilder variation that 2d6.)