After the uneventful darkness of the tower rooms, the reading of the odd note she found, and then seeing Crystina again, Miranda’s mind has been distracted into a steadier d8 now.

Just two steps down to total insanity.

But also just two steps up to total calm.

Having a task to focus on also helps and Miranda begins mentally retracing her steps thus far, deciding that the kitchen and wine are nearby so she’ll start there. Of course, the wine isn’t in the kitchen. It’s in the cellar.

Miranda begins walking along the hallway toward the kitchen door - a door she didn’t use before since she entered through the staff door from the Great Hall.

The house remains ever silent. There is no light, no life, no sounds except for the creaks of boards underfoot with each step she takes, the hissing of the lantern, and her own breathing. At the moment, she doesn’t even hear the wind outside. And this carpet is so thick with dust that walking kicks up constant irritants to the eyes and sinuses.


As she approaches what she assumes is the kitchen door coming up on her left, she hears a rattle on her right. She turns quickly, shining the bullseye of the lantern toward the source of the sound, so loud in this numb silence. She sees two doors - double doors? - no, there’s too much space between them. The rattling sound comes from their handles, which are twitching. And, suddenly, the doors pop open, just barely, and then slowly swing inward a foot or two, loud squeaking hinges practically screaming through this silence.

The doors stop and all is silent again.