but this isn’t to roll anything on, right? it’s a rank - how powerful it is - the actual number may be used in a roll at some point, like against guts or maybe to attempt something like possession? hmm.

the more afraid the victim is, the more powerful the entity is powerful = real-world presence from the other side of the veil/barrier/?, he can only tap or speak and be faintly heard more power makes the barrier more pliable - he can create illusions? max(??) power means he can physically manifest in the real world

but, he needs to have stats of some kind - even if he physically manifest, he may be physically weak? or maybe think more like revenant - possessing the living or animating the dead those would take a tremendous amount of 'power', though!! or maybe just the initial push into the body requires that much power and switching bodies, then but, then it would be weak after transferring and that's not how it works in the stuff I've watched - it jumps bodies then attacks or escapes

maybe one leeches the other? Fred has d12 guts, Casper has d4 power Casper successfully scares Fred down a rank to d10 and so Casper ranks up to d6 but then doesn't the game become just avoiding fear?? that would break it - just find a place to rest and keep returning to it to recharge guts - players can easily track how much power the ghost has by their reactions

I think guts should probably always get paid to the entity MAYBE PERMANENTLY??? (see below)

faint sounds and lights trivial faint speech* routine audible speech, faint appearance* complex physical appearance, kinetic energy challenging corporeal form impossible brightly-lit area (appearance only) +2diff noisy area (sound only)

I like the kinetic energy concept - i'd make that an easier skill, maybe just a couple step from the bottom - that will grant limited psychokinesis, like making the chandelier swing - it would take more power to make it fall

it seems to me that an entity usually only does one or two things and then leaves each time seems to get worse - like it feeds on their fear - or their attention - that was said in a couple Paranormal Activitys - talking about those things invites them, gives them power - ignore it and it stays away maybe, a reasonably powerful entity is a 5 - it uses a point by doing something, now it can do a 4 scare action - it does that and is now at a 3 and retreats - when it shows again, it will be back at 5 more powerful entities are maybe a 9 or 10, but each action eats points, making them weaker in their interactions with the real world until it rests maybe it can choose to spend one point or two points for a bigger action? and, yeah, I'm thinking player lost guts ranks should go to the entity permanently but, 1:1 doesn't seem right - or maybe it's gonna happen less than I think it will - I do have many steps (10) for the entity power scale - and, yeah, most ghosts will begin weak

I need a word for a measurement of "ability to interact with another reality" Psychic Energy, Psychic Force?, Reach?, Presence?, Supernatural something, Transnatural

'supernature' has an interesting definition

ghost disappears for awhile to regain energy - how long it disappears for depends on the desired tempo of the story...

Die Scale - d4 d6 d8 d10 d12 2d8 2d10 2d12 3d10 3d12 d4 - trapped behind a one-way window (taps, sounds barely perceptible on the other side) d6 - a hole in the glass (clear voice, cold) d8 - limited psychic energy (electrical interference, guide a planchette) d10 - more PE (swing the chandelier, roll a toy car, touch a person, write message on fogged window) d12 - full PE (chandelier falls, person/furniture thrown across room, scrawl message on wall) 2d8 - invisible presence (opens cabinets, leaves footprints, appears on ghostcam) 2d10 - option to be visible 2d12 - option to create illusions 3d10 - 3d12 -

<aside> 🎲 ...d8? influence a person (nightmares, create confusion/paranoia/madness, do the entity's bidding) in dazed state (sleep, drugs) ...2d8? influence a person in aware state ...3d10? forcibly possess a living person ...3d10? animate a dead body ...3d10? (superpowers) - not just slam a door but slam all doors in the house, probably with a wave of the entity's invisible hand or similar ...also, when are they visible or otherwise perceivable by the psychically sensitive? (maybe they are always one (two?) rank ahead of non-sensitives, so can see visible before the entity achieves that level with others) (maybe a psychic rating for players that determine how many ranks ahead they are)
