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[Drinax] What do the people on the floating palace do?

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<aside> 💡 The only people who would want to be a part of this mission would be those who are very loyal to the king and planet OR hate it here and want off. And, publicly, this is a mission of diplomacy - piracy is never mentioned. So, no one would join for "excitement in the stars" or whatever. Most people who live on Drinax would surely trip over each other (and maybe even betray one another) to get on this mission just to get off the planet and out of the over-crowded, hungry, sleeping-on-the-floor life they've been trapped in all their lives. Soooo, that's three reasons why all the crew would be from Drinax. There would have to be a good reason to replace a Drinaxi with an off-worlder.


The Trojan Reach, p16… Behold, then, the Floating Palace – a flying city, an aerial pleasure-dome of surpassing beauty, of endless wonder... and utter despair.

The Trojan Reach, p18… The Floating Palace is absurdly overcrowded. Every ballroom and feasthall is home to a dozen families; children play among the works of art and technological wonders. The people ‘make do’ amid the greatest collection of art in the whole sector, stringing washing lines between golden statues, and using ancient tapestries as blankets.

Shadows of Sindal, p11… The Floating Palace on Drinax contains thousands of treasures, gradually sold off at rock-bottom prices to buy supplies and equipment the Kingdom of Drinax desperately needs.

The Trojan Reach, p21… The Aslan destroyed the original starport of Drinax, but the King’s personal starport qualifies almost as a Class A port. It lacks a shipyard, but can repair any ship that lands there and has absolutely luxurious fittings for both crews and vessels.

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<aside> 💡 Drinax flag, heraldry, crest, coat, whatever it’s properly called….

Drinax heraldry.png

Drinax crest.png

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From The Trojan Reach, pp180-181

Two hundred years ago, Drinax was the great power in this subsector, second only to the Hierate. The Kings of Drinax ruled over every world from Khusai to Paal, and also claimed Torpol, Clarke and Blue. A war between Drinax and the Aslan Hierate put an end to the Kingdom of Drinax. The Drinaxians had marginally higher technology, but the Aslan fleet outnumbered them three to one. The war was sparked by an ihatei invasion of Asimov, but conflict had been brewing for years as the Drinaxians tried to muscle in on the Imperium/Hierate trade.