”Lord Wrax commands the Star Guard, the naval forces of Drinax. The Star Guard has only a handful of ships, and while they have the benefit of advanced technology, none masses more than 400 tons, and only the 100-ton scout ships have jump drives. The Harrier would have been the flagship of the Drinaxi fleet if Wrax had his way. He has little time for the King’s scheme of piracy.” — TTR, p24

ChatGPT on Star Guard uniforms

<aside> 💡 **GM Pyromancer says…**

Here's my first thoughts about the Drinaxi military at the start of the campaign:

Star Guard: 200 soldiers (mostly good quality) 1x 100dton Scout-S (the "Star Guard One", refitted with luxury quarters, serves as transport for the royal family when they want to travel) 1x 200dton Far Trader (the current flagship, almost exclusively used to transport people and grain between Asim and Drinax) 6x 200dton SDBs (in varying states of repair, some are partly cannibalized for spare parts, there might be 1-3 operational at any given time) 6x atmospheric jet fighters (low TL, armed with missiles) 2x atmospheric cargo planes (used for trade with the wastelanders and resource gathering missions to the surface)

Hawk Warriors: 60 soldiers of varying quality (nobles with old combat armor, grav belts, fusion weapons. Half of them are stationed on Asim at the moment)

Palace Guard: 50 elite soldiers (often seen standing around with ceremonial armor and halberds, but trained with combat armor and laser rifles) 200 regular soldiers (serve also as police, normally armed with batons, but also trained with pistols and laser carbines)

Drinax Defense Force: 160 regular soldiers (mainly responsible for the laser turrets and doing air/space traffic control. They also steer the floating palace. Minimal infantry training, laser carbines)

Asim Liberation Force: 6500 regular soldiers (mostly locals with slug throwers under the command of Drinaxi officers)
