Helm Officer

If you’re at home behind the wheel, then this position is for you. Choose the Helm Officer position to drive or pilot any kind of craft, from wheeled ground transports to starships.

Anything to do with piloting, steering, or controlling any kind of vehicle is included under the Helm Officer position. Whether it’s a scooter, powered exo-loader, groundcar, bike, skyspinner, or starship, the Helm position will allow the character to drive it, or at least attempt to. Use this position when piloting ships and other vehicles, making decisions on manoeuvring, or making judgements on any tricky docking or launch procedures. The Helm Officer position mainly connects to AGILITY.

Navigation Officer

Getting from point A to point B across the galaxy takes a long time, so it’d be nice to know that you’re heading in the correct direction. The Navigation Officer position teaches you directional awareness, as well as the technical know-how.

A sense of spatial awareness and an uncanny knack for knowing where you are is a must in deep space. Whether they are plotting a course for a C-Class Cargo Freighter, mapping a route across a world, or simply finding their way through a station, the Navigation Officer makes sure that the crew knows where they are, where they’re going, and where they should be. Use this position to make sure you don’t get lost in space, on a station, or on a world. The Navigation Officer’s knowledge of ships, stations, and settlements is the crew’s ticket from one system to another, and is key to being able to navigate across a world, so make sure there’s someone who can sit in the chair and point you in the right direction. The main Attribute this connects to is EDUCATION.

Science Officer

If there’s a problem concerning physics, biology, chemistry, or any other field, then the Science Officer steps up. From actual research to working out stellar anomalies, from interpreting data to making a hypothesis, this position can prove quite enlightening.

Even if the mission is not about research, it’s always a good idea to have a Science Officer on board. Deep space is full of surprises, and discovering new elements and biological structures that can be exploited for profit is something all companies strive for – and come on, let’s be honest, that’s why we’re out here, right? All crews are encouraged to have a Science Officer in their ranks, or at least someone with basic training, so they can take advantage of new discoveries as quickly as possible. This position covers all disciplines – physics, biology, chemistry, astronomy, etc. – and the Science Officer is expected to be up to speed across many fields of research, a job they take very seriously. The main Attribute this position connects to is EDUCATION.

Security Officer

There’s always trouble out there, so having some combat skills is never a bad thing. Security Officers get a bonus every time they are involved in any kind of combat, from throwing punches to firing guns.

This is a simple crew position, but one of the most requested; no matter where you go throughout explored space, there’s bound to be trouble, and crew members trained in combat are essential to protect the cargo and the ship. And the crew, of course. A Security Officer is trained in the use of all kinds of weapons and hand-to-hand combat. This position connects to the AGILITY Attribute for shooting or throwing weapons, and to STRENGTH for hand-to-hand and melee combat.

Liaison Officer

Some settlements seem to forget that they’re part of a larger entity, and they tend to develop a frontier mentality and ignore the rules. Then there are the problem suits, local officials who love to impede official enquiries, and store staff who might be trying to sucker you. Liaison Officers deal with the face-to-face diplomatic side of things.

The best way to get through any situation is with words and diplomacy, especially when you’re dealing with representatives of other companies. The Liaison Officer is the face of the vessel, and the first person that settlement and station heads will speak to. The Liaison Officer can make deals and broker arrangements, and every crew should have one. Use this position to be the voice of reason and deal with other people. The main Attribute this position connects to is CHARISMA.

Engineering Officer

At some point, things will break down and need repairing, replacing, or reprogramming. Engineering Officers have the glamorous job of tinkering with broken pipes, blocked air vents, and smoking computers.

It’s never good when things go wrong, especially when you’re eight months into a 12-month journey. In fact, the Engineering Officer is so important that they are the first crew member to be woken from the LongSleep chambers, just in case there have been any issues en route. Use this position when something needs repairing, replacing, reprogramming, jury-rigging, or correcting. From the smallest computer to the biggest engine vent, Engineering Officers have the job of making sure it keeps running. The main Attribute this position is connected to is EDUCATION.

Medical Officer

The importance of the Medical Officer cannot be understated. It’s dangerous out there, and anything from first aid to emergency surgery is performed in the deep dark black. In fact, in our experience, the Medical Officer is the most relied upon position for all vessels and stations.