TABLES - GM Screens

The parameters of these apparitions are completely up to the GM. They may decide on their own if any of these visions and apparitions require a Sanity check though if they do, the penalties should be light. These effects last a few moments to a few minutes before fading away. They may or may not leave behind a trace of their existence. A swarm of spiders may vanish without a trace, leave behind those that were squished, or only leave the evidence of their bites behind.

Table 4: Outside The Window

Roll on this table if anyone looks outside the window while Dread Apparitions are manifesting.

  1. A group of six naked people run across the lawn.
  2. A spectral figure, cloaked, hooded, and wielding a scythe, glides past the window, heading to parts unknown.
  3. A huge flock of blackbirds flit around left to right, up to down. When they go left or down, they completely vanish. When they go right or up, they reappear. After a few moments they are gone.
  4. A wolf the size of a Great Horse creeps along, sniffing the ground. Suddenly it stops and looks towards the window you are looking through. It pauses there a moment and then moves on.
  5. A black chariot wreathed in flames and pulled by fiery steeds shoots by the house heading god-knows-where. You think you can make out the forms of people trapped inside it.
  6. What looks to be a group of zombies shuffles along in the distance.
  7. Two children out in the yard are playing “monkey in the middle” with the head of a third child, who is trying desperately to intercept it.
  8. A formal dance is happening with at least 100 people. They wear beautiful, ornate outfits and swing and dip with precision. None of them has legs.
  9. A beautiful peasant woman is screaming and running. Her clothes are torn. Lurching after her is a 7-foot tall scaly green humanoid with gills.
  10. A giant bat flies down from the sky. Right before it lands it transforms to a human. The human examines the ground for just a moment, then leaps into the air, transforming back into the bat as it flies away.
  11. Two mailed knights thunder towards each other in a joust. When they clash, there is a blinding flash of light – and they are gone.
  12. A pack of ghostly hounds has surrounded a yearling deer. They take it down and tear it apart.
  13. The ghost of a giant lumbers into, then out of sight.
  14. The trees in the distance seem to be trading places.
  15. The clouds have thinned and the full moon is out. It begins to grow and swells to an unusual size.