see also Ship Identification Transponder

Here’s some thoughts I got from ChatGPT about the uniforms.

ChatGPT on Star Guard uniforms

<aside> 💡

The king had brand new Star Guard uniforms made for the crew of the ship. This does not denote any past military service or present military designation. There are symbols representing the Kingdom of Drinax, the Star Guard, the Harrier, and maybe something to denote position~~, but not rank.~~ These symbols may be pins or patches or something more abstract. We’ll have to decide the canon answer. The uniforms are an all new design, based on previous Star Guard designs as seen in various paintings around the city and depictions on the ship itself of heroes of the Star Guard of the past, closer to the time the Harrier was commissioned. King Oleb expects crew to wear the uniforms when on duty and when at a starport or other situation where they could be positively representing the Kingdom of Drinax. Every crew member has three uniforms and two pair of boots. Bridge crew wear more formal uniforms, while the rest of the crew have jumpsuits - very nice jumpsuits.


Screenshot 2024-08-15 at 12.21.43 PM.png

<aside> 💡 Drinax flag, heraldry, crest, coat, whatever it’s properly called….

Drinax heraldry.png

Drinax crest.png

Screenshot 2024-06-28 at 3.13.05 PM.png


So much talk of starport businesses catering to Scouts and Navy makes me think they would benefit from appearing portside in uniform. No one need know the stuff they’re selling is stolen. So, it’s probably a good idea to not sell stolen stuff at the nearest starport, where the victims may very well arrive next and be able to identify their stolen stuff.

In space, they pirate - at starports, they try to make Drinax look good.
Spend a lot of money, talk about how well the kingdom is doing, be on their best behavior, maybe do a job for free that helps the locals. The people helped by the crew of Serenity surely didn’t know they were pirates but surely don’t ask question, either.

So, we need a ship transponder that can be switched back and forth and pray you don’t get caught.

From the first page of How to Build an Empire…

It must be recognised that the Imperium and/or Hierate will, sooner or later, find out that Drinax is behind the upsurge in piracy and raiding. By the time that happens the kingdom needs to have sufficient protection – which can take many forms – that recognition is the most cost-effective solution. Similarly, the fledging kingdom needs to be a hard target for Aslan clans that might decide to conquer or just obliterate it. This is no simple task. Drinax needs ships and allies, and both of those require money to acquire and maintain them. Oleb’s plan to use piracy to get what he needs is workable but risky. Given the present circumstances of his kingdom, Oleb really has no better options.
Piracy can also be used to manipulate the political situation, but this is even more delicate than making money without getting caught or killed.

If the Travellers decide to be blatant about their attacks, their best political choice is intimidation. They can offer a straight deal; join us and stay loyal or we cut off your trade and shoot up your cities. This approach was used, with success for most of its history, by the old Sindalian Empire. However, loyalty is not born of fear. Oleb and his successors will face rebellion at the slightest sign of weakness, and will forever be considered a pale and petty shadow of the old and brutal empire. Negotiations with outsiders will be affected by this consideration

A more subtle approach has long-term benefits, but is tricky and requires greater attention to detail. If the local worlds and shipping operators do not know who is behind the pirate attacks, Drinax can present itself as a saviour and win the admiration of those it seeks to rule. However, word gets around. If the distinctive ship that has been reported attacking local traffic keeps being spotted in port at Drinax, and the crew are carousing merrily at the court of King Oleb when seen by a merchant captain they robbed, their allegiance is soon going to be known. One way to avoid this is to obtain a less distinctive ship as soon as possible and use that for raiding, and to only raid with the Harrier in distant systems.

It might be possible to create a pretext for overt raids, such as ‘dealing with suspected pirates’ or ‘extracting the due tribute to King Oleb from recalcitrant and ungrateful shipping operators’. The latter works better once Drinax has established at least a small power base and can pretend to be a legitimate interstellar state. Of course, the Travellers might decide to leave no witnesses or evidence, but this is a very hard-nosed approach which will alienate most potential allies if discovered. The Travellers will need to gain support in the starports of the region so they have safe havens to rest, make repairs, and sell cargoes. However, this is only a small part of the overall plan. They need ships, political allies or supporters, information and, above all else, money.

Previous thoughts…

<aside> 💡 But, here's what I'm still confused about... Is this the flagship of Drinax, proudly identifying itself wherever it goes? Even during raids?? There's a lot of talk in the materials about it being an ambassadorial ship. (Such as when it talks about the cosmetic restorations.) But, there's also plenty of talk about keeping it all a secret and that the powers that be will eventually discover that Drinax is behind the recent pirate attacks. The mission, as Oleb describes it, makes this position pretty clear. Definitive, non-contradictory answers are hard to find and if I can't find them eventually, we're just gonna have to decide the king's policy on our own. As for just switching back and forth - we're on a uniquely identifiable ship and how long would it really take for them to notice that the ship that's coming to them to talk peace is the same ship that's been raiding their merchants?


<aside> 💡 And, as far as declared identity, there's the matter of the ship transponder, which I just researched and updated... Ship Identification Transponder
