Strength +1 Dexterity +1 Endurance +2 Intelligence +1 Education +1 Social +0

Advocate +2 Engineer +1 science +1 Gun combat +1 Streetwise +1 Gambler +1

Recon +1

Medical 0 Electronics 0 Mechanic 0 Navigation 0 Drive 0 Diplomat 0 Investigate 0 Deception 0 Athletics 0 Stealth 0

Ronon Dex From Stargate Atlantis

Ronon Dex From Stargate Atlantis

Dr House From The Tv show House

Dr House From The Tv show House

Zidane Tribal From Final Fantasy 9

Zidane Tribal From Final Fantasy 9

MONEY: 8000 credits



Riot Shield Melee 2d


Ronan Van Dyke was Born with a rich family and he loved being rich and he also loved to steal things too, from gold watches to valuables things, but he wasn't a good stealer though he was always caught and sent to court,and when He was 15 his parents had enough with Ronan so they kicked him out of the house he went travelling when he meets A 16 year old teenager a year older than him, and her name was Yuffie Kisaragi and she was a master at stealing and Ronan wanted to know how to steal and Yuffie showed Ronan how to steal stuff way quieter and Ronan was getting so much better he traveled with Yuffie with her journeys and teaching new things and they became very good friends and by this time he also learned medical science when he was 22 and Yuffie and Ronan were the closest partners and Ronan did some medical stuff when someone was hurt when they were trying to steal and it would go very well And Ronan Teached Yuffie how to do medical too And then Yuffie gave Ronan her bandanna for there good friendship and they would be good friends forever and Ronan and Yuffie have a friendship bracelet to let the world know that they are good partners.


A bandanna that was given to Ronan for a good friendship the colors of green and silver in the front