15-20 minutes into town from these two houses
Johnson house some of the windows in the house are open
Radio warns a patient has escaped from institution and to BOLO for said dangerous person
Parents to be back from camping mid-day the next day
Johnson house is two story well kept, clean, upper middle class house
Newsome house run down 2 story house
9:15 Police just left. Johnny and Debi leaving to get the 3 yr old and 11 yr old and bring them to the Johnson house
Debi is killed by murderer
9:45 Johnny and Katie found body of Debi and both are freaking out
when my character freaks out he sees the killer on the glass on debi's corpse.
10:00- johnny and Katie burst into the door covered in mud and locked the door behind them
Molly brings a flashlight and kitchen knife to Newsome house
Vinney brings a lighter and two cans of hairspray to Newsome house
Frankie brings two large kitchen knives to Newsome house
10:15 - Molly, Frankie, Vinnie go to Newsome house to get Joshua and then Johnny goes upstairs to get Suzie's dad's gun from the dresser upstairs
Power is now out d/t the storm
Debi in crib and baby isn't anywhere to be found. Upstairs searched
10:30 heard girls screaming - moments later, Johnny fighting murderer and murderer disappears leaving Johnny standing alone in dark in living room. Girls are hiding in closet in chamber at back of house
Vinnie and Frankie to go back over to Johnson house to see what is going on over there and take on the killer while she searches for the baby.
V & F see footprints at side of Newsome house that lead to back porch of Johnson house