Players should start with d12 - the max single die of the scale and this resets every time a new story begins

Confidence, Guts, Nerve, Spirit Bravery, Hero, Heroism Resolve, Composure Sanity


guts is always included in the player roll so, it just adds to the total like the rest for example, an attack roll might be d10 base attack + d6 weapon + d8 guts vs a defense roll on d4 base defense + d12 guts

for a jump scare or sanity roll or whatever, the player makes an opposed guts check - GM decides the die appropriate to the scare to oppose their current guts die

The opposing roll would be thought of as… Scare, Intimidate, Horrify, Disgust

in enemies, guts works as an intimidation die big enemies, tough enemies, scary enemies so that they can have a certain something, without having to make weapons or armor or whatever unbelievably big and therefore the players can't loot huge weapons

GUTS ranks down with every wound that causes a rank down in attack or defense guts ranks up with every finished battle

guts can also be ranked up by calming - fifteen minutes for one die rank But expect me to disturb you if I can So finding a truly calming place would be very difficult But I promise not to cheat If you can find a place I can't reach you, I won't invent a new enemy on the spot (usual caveat - unless it serves the story best) And I'd let certain characters have a meditation skill to shorten the time

an opposed roll to determine success or failure or rest attempt

maybe if place isn't totally peaceful, roll opposed, otherwise, 15 mins automatically gains pc a guts die rank

The stakes should be kinda high so that horror and fear can do as much harm as wounds And Terra can't heal them So, horror and fear should be fled from!! BUT, on the other hand, it's just. Another. Die. In the pool. It's not make or break. It's not a roll that determines immediate success of failure.