This is the game. Chapter 1 is like Apocalypse Now - a journey up the river, facing dangers and enemies.

PART ONE - Set Up and Opening

Players gather, GM describe the situation of the characters gathering to meet Bramb and why. Give his pitch and hand out feelies - they belong visible on the table when not being looked at.

PART TWO - Up The Tova River to Dryfoot Hill

Instead of rolling on the encounter table each time, they'll roll on the event table only and we will take the encounters in the order in which they appear on the table. This means first (session one?) will be combat with four different types of creatures. However, we will say the characters are passing through the territories of each type of creature. So, we'll battle amber oozes until we're bored with them, then move along to hardback turtles, pacing ourselves to whatever pace is comfortable, and peppering in the Silent Order paper trail - we're thinking one between each encounter. Then, (session two?) (um, but what's listed below is not a session of stuff) the Silent Order encounter will make a little sense of the signs. Then, the wormroot whatever stuff. !!!SEE BELOW!!! Then, so YOU'RE who they're looking for?!! with Libby showing up. !!!SEE BELOW!!! Finally, the swarm of the mosquitos for a bit of a teamwork IQ test sort of thing, then they approach Dryfoot Hill "and we're gonna leave it there for this time...."

Maybe write a great set piece battle of our own - we've had some great ones So, it could replace the wormroot thing OR be a first battle with Libby showing she could be a real asset to the team! (erm, maybe look at her stats and first check that she will be an asset) (actually, if not, that can be fun, too - like seth twinklemeadows loading his gun.)

Chapter 2 starts with a pack called Welcome to Dryfoot Hill! so let's cold storage all stuff relating to Dryfoot, such as the Cursed Items Shop.

Our new concept for RPG Toons stuff will be to just build as a side hobby and then, when it's all built, look at the GM materials to figure out what to do with it and run it when we have an opening and stuff ready at the same time.

And here's what we could try with the Silent Order - we can just have them be mysterious people they see/encounter from time to time BUT they will see the signs warning about magic and whatever - those signs can lay, visible, scattered on the table. Then, all info can be revealed in Dryfoot Hill.

Soddenweald Wild Magic, Pantheon of Gods, Patrons, Champions

Quest Pack 5 (paper trail, NPCs, )